Bibliotheca Alexandrina is a Polish-British independent project run by two witches from the Alexandrian tradition, Enenna and Velkan. The idea for the publishing house was born out of a desire to bring magical and pagan classics to the Polish reader. It all started with Starhawk’s incredibly inspiring ‘The Spiral Dance’, combining magic, paganism, ecology, feminism and passion for life. It was followed by the Polish translation of ‘Witchcraft for Tomorrow’ by the Mother of Modern Witchcraft, Doreen Valiente.
Over time, we expanded our mission and began publishing original works in English in addition to subsequent translations into Polish. The first release was ‘The Witches’ Pyramid’, by Rob Hardy, a Wiccan high priest and founder of the Alexandrian Silvers line, and its sequel, ‘The Witches’ Hexagram’, about the connections between Wicca and Cabbala. A later release, Lyn Brandwood’s book ‘Labyrinth Walking the Radiant Path’ explored the spiritual benefits and techniques of working with the labyrinth. As a result, we have been able to preserve in the pages of the books the invaluable knowledge and experience of adepts of magical paths, which will assist further adepts in their journeys.
Another pillar of our activity is the discovery and preservation of magical knowledge and history from the past, which has been forgotten over time and is now hardly accessible. Our first success in this field was the discovery of a never-before-published manuscript by Charles Leland, author of the witchcraft classic, ‘Aradia, or the Gospel of the Witches’, ‘Witch Ballads’ containing a collection of witch-related poetry. After several years of hard work on the text, we have managed to publish this volume of poetry with a wonderful foreword by Professor Ronald Hutton. The text is accompanied by original illustrations by the Polish artist Agnieszka Wałek. Another item we are working on is Katherine Oldmeadow’s ‘The Folklore of Herbs’, which has been unavailable for years and is linked to the mysterious New Forest coven.
The name ‘Library of Alexandria’ obliges. We have an ambition to publish items on paganism, magic, spirituality and the occult that we feel are important, valuable and that we enjoy.